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About Us

The North Carolina Senior Democrats is an auxiliary organization of the North Carolina Democratic Party. Our members are Democrats over 50 years of age, and we work tirelessly to elect Democrats to public office. Senior Democrats advocate for issues of concern to seniors in our state – dignified retirement, decent housing, dependable and affordable healthcare. We are also concerned about policies that affect all generations here and beyond state lines– preserving our democracy, protecting the environment, promoting life-long learning, providing reliable transportation and communication infrastructure.


Democrats continue to champion policies and programs that advance the health and well-being of our citizens, examples Social Security and Medicare. These are not entitlements. Seniors, and those who aspire to a dignified retirement have paid and continue to pay into those programs through payroll deductions. Perhaps it’s time to consider additional potential revenue streams. Medicaid also affords a measure of care, the expansion of which shouldn’t be held hostage to political expediency.


Senior Democrats educate voters and potential voters about issues and candidates. We work with the state party and each county party. Being a part of the Senior Democrats is a positive way to ensure your voice is heard at the local, county, state, and national levels.


If you want to be a part of this very powerful organization, contact your chapter leader or contact us at or

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Paid for by the Senior Democrats of North Carolina

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